You Don’t Have To Believe In Your Manifestation To Actually Manifest It
I want to talk to you about the difference between trying to convince yourself and believe that your manifestation absolutely will happen, Just knowing that it can happen.
I know a lot of manifesting resources say that you have to believe it’s definitely going to happen, but no, you don’t have to believe it will happen, in fact it’s very difficult to believe anything for sure, certain thing about the future especially.
Something that’s not very reliable and yet it’s reliable, that the train will come at the right time and it’s reliable that your flight will take off and it’s reliable that you know the pizza will be delivered.
But if you’re manifesting something, is it reliable in your life yet? It’s gonna be very difficult for you to feel certain things. That it’s definitely coming so I want to set you at ease a little bit and let you know you don’t need to get there. You just need to know that it can happen for you, that it is possible and then do the rest of the manifesting process.
At least once focus on what it is you want clearly while you feel good. You don’t want to be focusing on what you don’t want, you don’t want to be focusing on what you do want to feeling bad, it has to be a combination of clearly focusing on what you want in a way that feels good, that doesn’t bring up resistance at least once.
Do you have to do it every day all day? No, you really don’t and then the other steps in manifesting are to release resistance and to detach. Detach means you don’t need it to happen to emotionally feel better. I say emotionally feel better, not emotionally feel good. Because I have had manifestations where I didn’t feel good and I still got them.
So you don’t need the manifestation to feel better than you do now If you feel bad. I know this is really weird but it works. If you allow yourself to feel bad and you don’t even manifest to make you feel better. Because you have found a way to cope with feeling bad, you might actually hit the right vibration of detachment anyway because it is emotional attachment that we are discussing here.
I emotionally need this in order to feel better is attachment and that’s what you’re releasing. You don’t emotionally need it to feel better. That’s the truth. You really don’t and as soon as you acknowledge it and accept that you can start detaching.
The law of attraction always works and that’s reliable but I don’t look at each one of my individual manifestations and be like yeah, that’s definitely gonna happen. Because you can get overconfident and that could actually cause you to look for it and to wait for it. I have found that just knowing it can happen for you is enough and then you focus clearly on what it is you want. You release resistance.
Releasing resistance is accepting it and embracing it instead of fighting everything. It’s saying like okay, this is what’s happening, then work on detaching and detaching is like I don’t need it to enjoy my life, I don’t need it to feel better, I don’t need it to know that I can manifest.
That takes a little bit of practice but detachment is a daily practice sometimes. Don’t be afraid to keep at it and it should be your final step. You should be doing the focusing and believing. Then at the end of your manifesting process you should be working on releasing resistance.
It usually goes like “oh my god, it might not happen, wow! What am I gonna do now? huh! I’ll survive, I guess I’ll cope with it, I’ll handle it” and then you go get busy doing something else and then that’s when it happens. You don’t have to absolutely know for sure it will happen, you can know for sure the law of attraction works but also be unsure or uncertain if your particular manifestation will happen. That combination is fine.
Just know that it can happen. If you believe it can’t happen, start working on releasing resistance and detaching as the final step.