This is How You Improve Your Appearance Using The Law Of Attraction
People mostly use law of attraction for gaining wealth and to improve their relationships. But do you know that you can use law of attraction to alter your appearance as well. Yes, its totally possible to do things like getting rid of old marks, improving your skin and hair, altering your facial feature and your physical features and so much more. And in this article I am going to share one simple technique with you that will help you do that. So keep reading.
Make peace with the problem area
Let’s say you are worried about your nose and you are always sad about the fact that it looks weird. Or you could be a teen who is dealing with sudden appearance of pimples and acne. It’s natural that you would feel sad about having to deal with something like that. You might feel ashamed to go out on a date. You might always click selfies with a lot enthusiasm and suddenly you get sad over the visible pimples. But when you feel that way for those problems, you are offering resistance and what you resist, persists.
So you have to find a way to make peace with that part of your appearance. And when you do that they will start to dissolve away from your life. You have to stop worrying about that first if you want to change it.
Start giving love to the problem area
Now for this method to work properly, you need to take care of the first method. When you will start being okay with what is, you will make room for the law of attraction to do its job for you. If you are finding it hard to just make peace with the problem area then you can also use this method alone to shift your focus to loving your body instead of being sad about it.
So no matter how your body appears, you have to agree that you are able to live and experience this life only because of your body and every body part serves a purpose to make this experience wholesome for you.
So lets say you have a nose shape that you don’t like, you can at least express appreciation for your nose just being there or for it being able to smell things for you. Try to imagine for a second that how your life would be if you don’t have a nose. You’ll look like Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter movies. And if you weren’t able to smell you can be in so much trouble. You will miss out on so many things.
Delve deep into this kind of thinking that can make your appreciate the problem area. And say to your that you love your problem area for at least being there and making you whole. So start focusing on the aspects of your body that you love and you will attract more of that into your life.
Identify what makes you so good looking
This one is just an extension of the previous method. In that method you were finding things about one particular area of your appearance that you weren’t happy with. Now in this method you need to find every aspect of your appearance that you are happy with. it could be that you have really nice and thick hair, maybe you have really nice skin, you have a great height, you might have perfect teeth.
There must so many things about your body and appearance that is already perfect and attractive. Start focusing on them and express love and appreciation for those things. And again, by the law of attraction, you will attract more things to love about yourself.
Bottom line
Start relaxing about you appearance and show love to yourself for the positives about your body and appearance that you already have. When you will relax about those things and start loving yourself then you will open yourself to improve more and more in so many positive ways. So, remember to love yourself and let go of any resistance you might be holding about your appearance.