The Reason Why You Can’t Manifest

Today I'm going to discuss a question I hear all the time which is "why can't I manifest what I want." So let's go ahead and into this question about why can't you manifest what you want.

Kristin Rouse
7 min readApr 27, 2021

You don’t allow yourself to have what you want

I hear this question phrased in many different ways and the thing to understand is that you can manifest what you want, you absolutely can any of It. The question is are you giving yourself permission to manifest. something that really gets in the way of manifesting for people is self-imposed guilt feeling like you shouldn’t have the things that you want and more often than not If there is something that you want that is not materializing, this self-imposed guilt or a lack of permission that you are getting yourself is what is getting in the way.

So let me give you a quick example. Let’s say that you really want to manifest a new car, you have always wanted to have a new car to drive and you could get one. You could go to the dealership and spend the money on one or you could get a lease or you knew somebody who would cosign for you or you had an opportunity to get the car but you don’t get the new car, you do not use the opportunities that are available to you because you feel guilty. So instead of getting a new car which is the thing that you want you will sell, you will get an old car or you won’t get a car at all because you feel guilty about spending the money or because you feel guilty about Its toll on the environment or maybe you feel guilty about how your friends will perceive it because they don’t have new cars but there is a part of you that is unwilling to take action on what the Universe has given to you because you feel guilty and this is something to understand. Because a lot of times when people hear about the law of attraction what they think is this is a way for something to come into my reality that absolves me of my guilts so like If I just want this new car It’s just going to drop Itself in my driveway

What you have been given is actually a pathway to your dream but you are not willing to take It because you feel guilty and this is the thing about the law of attraction that’s really important to understand is that If a pathway is made available to you to have something that you want and you keep telling yourself "well I can’t have It through that pathway because that pathway, It doesn’t feel right, It makes me feel guilty." Well you’re not giving yourself permission to have what you want.

Here’s another example. Let’s say that you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out and you would really like to manifest a calmer and more relaxed life. Now here’s the thing, you might have the ability at your disposal right now to go lay down and take a nap or to call off from work or to take it easy or to go on a break. You have that ability but you are not taking It and the reason you are not taking It is because you feel guilty and you are not giving yourself permission and I know this because I used to be guilty of this one a lot. I had a very overwhelmed life and I had at my disposal the tools to relax I could take a nap, I could go meditate or I could take a break but I would not do It because I felt guilty in taking the break. I felt like I should be working and I should not take time off. When you don’t give yourself permission to have what you want you shunt the ability of that to flow into your experience.

You are blocking your blessings

So If you push forward with something like that what will happen is It will seem even harder and harder and harder to take a break. It will seem even harder and harder and harder to get the car because you are not giving yourself permission and that lack of permission compounds Itself into your reality.

Now here's the funny thing about this not giving yourself permission thing, It really stems from a place of guilt. I feel guilty like I shouldn't have this and there's a part of us that feels like our guilt is a good thing. If I feel shameful about wanting something that makes me a better person. It makes me a bad person to want a nice car or It makes me a bad person to want to spend time by myself or to get some relaxation and we feel justifying that guilt as if going down that path somehow improves the rest of society. As If somehow It benefits everybody else If I don't take a nap, somehow It benefits the world If I don't get the car that I want.

but that reasoning is completely illogical. Because when you act out of guilt, all you really do is cut yourself off from having the life that you want and from enjoying your life to the fullest. That's all that you are really doing and you are doing It under the assumption that other people or the grander picture wants you to suffer so that It can be happy. But that's not true because If you suffer, all that really ends up happening is now you are feeling miserable. Your vibration dips, you are running around unrested and not living the life that you want which consequently makes you feel upset maybe even angry and now what happens is I'm going out into the universe angry and upset. Projecting all of my frustration on the world. I am getting mad at my kids, I am getting mad at my husband, I am getting mad at the world, I am getting mad on social media because I am not giving myself permission to live my best life, that's It. So I'm using my self-imposed guilt in that way to act as a martyr in my own life and to project my anger about It on everybody else and the reasons I am pointing this out I hope It's very clear is that when you act out of guilt, It does not benefit anybody. It hurts all the people around you. We end up taking out all of the things that we are upset about not doing in our life and not taking in our life and projecting that pain outward onto everybody that we love and we care about. Because we think in our deluded mind in the moment that that's somehow benefiting them but It's not.

Start giving yourself permission

So now that you understand all that I really want you guys to give yourself permission to live your best life. If you have an opportunity to have something that would make your heart sing then give yourself permission to take It. I don't care If It's a car or If It's an act. Doesn't matter if It's big or If It's small. But If you hear that guilt voice come in and tell you that you shouldn't have It and that It's not fair that you have It, that It's going to make other people jealous or that It's bad for such-and-such. If that voice is getting in the way please understand that that voice does not do anything except create a situation that internalize is a lower vibration within you and projects that pain outward on to everybody else which is absolutely the least responsible thing that we can do.

On the flip side when you give yourself permission to live your best life or to live the best life that you can. You are going to start operating more from a place of joy and projecting your joy outward onto the world which is a much more beneficial thing for all of us to be doing. I really hope that you find this short law of attraction article helpful. I hope you understand now why can't you manifest what you want. Again a lot of times that answer comes down to self imposed guilt and I really hope that you will free yourself from that and start giving yourself a little bit more permission to enjoy the things that are already at your disposal and to really start to love your life more.

I would love to invite you to get a free soul reading to reveal your inner blocks and to find out what steps you can take to attract health, wealth, love and inner peace into your life. So do give yourself permission to grab this one opportunity and take the right action. Click here to get started.

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Kristin Rouse

Changed myself for good using the law of attraction, now helping people find the magic that helped me.