The fastest Manifestation Technique For Beginners

The simple and effective manifestation technique that just works like magic

Kristin Rouse
5 min readAug 10, 2021

So today we are going to learn about a really fun, really cool manifestation technique that works really well. This is one of my favorite techniques because it’s easy, it’s simple to put into practice and it requires very little effort on your part. I am going to give you a few little hacks and tips that I personally use to make this manifestation technique really work as well as give you a word of caution If you are using this in terms of how to make it really work and stop those blocks in your mind from hitting you and making you feel like it will not work.

This technique is called the “three by three three method” and the reason that the three by three three method, I find is really important, because I feel like three is a really good and positive number. First of all it’s in the divine Nikola Tesla code. Nikola Tesla professed that the numbers 3, 6 and 9 are the most powerful in the Universe. They are written into many mathematical and geometrical codes in sacred geometry the Fibonacci sequence et cetera et cetera et cetera. They are very important numbers in the world of the universe and so this method is really powerful.

Nikola Tesla on the Numbers 3, 6 and 9.

I like three because I find it’s not too strenuous that it makes you feel annoyed or tired. You can use this method with any number between one and ten you can pick the number that you feel resonates best with you. but in my case I have always found three to work the best by miles because if I am doing the seven by seven-seven, you best believe that by day seven I am completely exhausted and you will see why when I get into explaining how this method works.

So in this method you are going to need a journal or a notebook and this can’t be just any journal. This journal has to be a journal that you feel very positively about so don’t let it be a journal that you are venting in or writing loads of negative stream of consciousness thoughts and that’s like a therapy journal or a school journal. Make It a journal that is specific and special to this exercise. You can get them very cheaply. Just get a super cheap journal whatever you feel like doing or even just staple a few pieces of paper together, have It a separate device for the act of this manifestation. No excuses! Because I find It just helps the mind to relate this kind of journal or this piece of work with positive manifestation and that will speed up the whole process altogether.

Now all you have to do is to wait to do this in the morning as the first thing just after when you wake up or you can do It at evening when you are a bit sleepy and the reason that this accelerates the process is because basically what we are doing is we are programming the mind to see things in a bit of a different way. The way that the 3x33 method works is It’s like when you are in school and a teacher punishes you to write something on the black board a hundred times. For example, I will never cheat on a math test, I will never cheat on a math test, I will never cheat. They make you rewrite these lines over and over and over again.

Why? Because It’s programming your subconscious mind. We are using this programming our subconscious mind to see the world in a different way and therefore manifest the thing that we want. We are reprogramming the subconscious mind because this is how you manifest in the real world. It’s not some kind of voodoo weird magic that you are writing these things three by three-three times. We are literally programming the mind to see the world in a different way because we are conscious and powerful manifesters.

all right, so once you have your notebook all you going to do is write a manifestation for three days. You are going to write 33 times the thing that you want. But you are not going to write It like “I want this thing.” You are going to phrase It in a very specific way and I am going to tell you that right now. For example, you want to be an actor. In the journal, You will write It as “I am a successful actor.” what you want to do is put it in something called the affirmation. Those are statements that are saying “I am this, I have this” and It’s always in the present tense, never in the future tense like “I will have this.” It’s always “I have this.” Because we are getting the Universe, which is actually just us, our subconscious mind, to project into the outer world what It is that we want by making It think that we already have what we want.

And so really It is that simple. Three days, morning or evening when you are in a little bit of a sleepy state. Write down your affirmation 33 times. You can put dates, you can put times. Because you would literally put the time and you would be surprised at how that actually can manifest. So don’t be afraid to put dates or times. But If you feel like times are going to of scare you off just leave it there.

So that really is the gist of this manifestation method. Very simple and very easy. I hope that I explained why this works pretty well and I hope that you now understand the whole process behind this manifestation method.

The only thing that will block this, which I want to touch on really quickly, is if you are feeling like while you’re writing it you are like “oh! I hate this, the pen is hurting my hand, I feel annoyed that I have to do these lines.” If you are acting like that while manifesting It’s not going to work so that’s the only block that I really want you to be aware of but other than that, enjoy. It’s a really fun process. It’s very quick. Three days are not too long to manifest and you will be surprised after experiencing the power of this technique.

So to round that all up. Make a separate journal for the manifestation, pick a wish and turn It into an affirmation written in present tense which say that already have what you want and write that affirmation 33 times for 3 days straight in the morning right after you wake up or at the evening. Just make sure that you are in a sleepy state, because that is the state when the subconscious mind is active but doesn’t take complete control over the body. So this is like an opportunity to effectively reprogram the subconscious mind. Don’t let negative feelings ruin your manifestation while doing the process. Have fun and relax. Know that what you want is now coming to you very very soon.



Kristin Rouse
Kristin Rouse

Written by Kristin Rouse

Changed myself for good using the law of attraction, now helping people find the magic that helped me.

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