How To Manifest A Marriage

Kristin Rouse
2 min readDec 1, 2022

This is a tip on how to mold and shape your self-concept to manifest your dream relationship. It’s one particular thing you can be using to shape your self-concept. It’s incredibly powerful. You can use it to manifest a specific person, you can use it to manifest a new person.

If you are wanting to manifest a committed relationship, let’s say you want to manifest marriage or it could also be a committed relationship. It’s called “living in the end.”

So how do you do this in terms of your self-concept? You start thinking of yourself as a wife or husband right now, like you are a wife or you start thinking of yourself as a husband right now consistently. Just consistently through your day you are a wife, you are a husband.

If you are not into getting married but you just want to manifest a relationship, you are partnered, you are a girlfriend, you are a boyfriend, whatever title suits you. I want you to take that title on and literally feel that that is who you are.

You are already a wife, you are already a husband and I want you to move throughout your day feeling that this is true. You are literally married. congratulations! You are already married.

This is powerful because your self-concept is really what is manifesting your reality and if you start legitimately thinking of yourself as a husband, as a wife, as a partner like and you really take that on as your self-concept. This relationship is gonna appear in front of you faster than you can imagine.

Being serious, I’m being really really serious, just taking on the self concept, I am a husband, I am a wife, I am partnered, and you just know that that is the truth. Watch what happens.



Kristin Rouse

Changed myself for good using the law of attraction, now helping people find the magic that helped me.