How To Make Your SP Crave You Using The Law Of Assumption
If you are in a position right now where your specific person isn’t reaching out to you or isn’t in contact with you, the only thing that means is that you are more deeply resonating in the belief system that says they don’t want to be with me, they’re far away. Where are they? I feel left, I feel abandoned.
How do you make your specific person miss you and think about you and want to be with you and crave you? All of these things and you know it’s actually pretty simple.
So as you may know, everyone is you pushed out. This is one of the cornerstone philosophies of Neville Goddard style of manifesting and essentially what that means, my interpretation of it is that the whole world is essentially your perspective of what it is.
Everything out there is going to conform to your belief systems about what’s happening. So for this reason your specific person is always going to be acting in a way that you dominantly believe, they are going to act so.
The way to turn that situation around and have your specific person be thinking about you, be missing you, be wanting to be with you, for that you just have to change your inner dialogue and therefore your inner belief system around what is happening with your specific person.
So this is how you do it. You close your eyes, you center yourself and you go deep within your being and you land in the felt experience of “he’s thinking about me right now,” “he’s wondering what’s going on with me,” “he can’t stop thinking about me,” “I’m on his mind,” “I feel him thinking about me,” “I feel him thinking about me and smiling,” “I feel him thinking about contacting me,” “he’s wondering if he should pick up his phone and text me right now,” “he’s wondering if he should get in contact with me,” “he’s wanting to get in contact with me,” “he’s totally thinking about me right now,” “he’s totally into me right now.”
You have to create that dominant experience inside of yourself that this is what’s happening and when the dominant felt experience and belief system inside of you is that my specific person is thinking about me, craving me, missing me, wanting to contact me. When this is your belief system, that’s what you’re going to create in your reality.
The outer world is entirely based on your inner world. Your inner world is creating everything out there. So shift your own belief and knowing of what’s happening by using your inner world, your inner imaginal realm, your thoughts and your feelings and your visualizations, your imaginations, your inner conversations. Use your inner realm to create a new belief system and you are going to create a new reality.