6 Manifestation Mistakes You Might Be Making
And how to fix them.
So you are trying to manifest your dream life but maybe It’s just not coming into your reality how you thought It would or just not happening at all. It could be because you are making one of these six manifesting mistakes that I see people making all the time. But don’t worry at all because these are super easy to fix. So let’s go ahead and get right into them and find out If you are making one of these mistakes.
Mistake number one
You might be taking advice from people that are only out to make a quick buck off of you or to honestly scam you and that really sucks with any industry such as spirituality, manifesting, mental health, fitness, wellness, health. There are always going to be people out there that just want to make money off of you and that sucks. Now It’s hard because on one hand I really believe people deserve to be paid for the work that they are doing, this is my job as well. That is not to say that people who do courses and all that are scamming you but just do your research into these people. Are there people that are giving you tips and tricks but they don’t really have any proof of what they have actually manifested or they have manifested one thing five to ten years ago and then they don’t have anything else after.
just do your research and don’t be so quick to fall into these get rich quick schemes where you give someone all your money and they promise you this big reward. Because If something sounds too good to be true It might just be a scam.
Mistake number two
Thinking that you have to be a certain way or a certain type of a person to manifest and I think that’s a mistake that a lot of people make without realizing It and It sometimes can push you farther from doing It. If there are aspects of spirituality or anything you are doing that just really seems draining like journaling. Maybe you try to journal because I do scripting a lot. But journaling to you is just the most draining and boring thing you have ever done. Put down the journal and try something else.
Mistake number three
Getting too caught up in the terms law of attraction and manifesting. If I was to describe the law of attraction to someone without calling It the law of attraction they would believe It. Sometimes I will purposely talk about the law of attraction on my social media profiles without calling It that. I actually shared recently that there’s a psychological study that says If you believe you can have something you are 97% more likely to achieve It and take the right steps towards It versus taking steps away from It and that is so similar to the law of attraction but I didn’t call It that and all these people replied like oh my gosh, that’s like the greatest advice ever read. I’m like okay but If I called It “manifesting’’ would It still be great advice?
So what I’m saying is If calling It law of attraction or manifesting makes you feel weird about It don’t call It that.
Mistake number four
Bad vibes, now I am an advocate for feeling your feelings. But there are some emotions that are still human and they are still normal and If they pop up sometimes, It’s totally okay. But maybe try and work on them and those are things such as jealousy, impatience, spite. When you are focused on jealousy you are focusing on what someone has in a way of thinking that you can’t have It. If you believe you cannot have something according to that psychological term you are 97% less likely to have It and you fix that by always seeing someone else’s success as proof that you can have something.
Same goes for impatience. I believe that things just come faster when we’re in a flow state versus when we are constantly obsessing over It. Our move to New York city is also a really great example. We obsessed over moving to New York for so long and we were so impatient for It but once we gave up on that, not gave up on the goal but just like gave up on the obsession and just started to enjoy our lives in California. It just sort of happened in perfect timing and It was so much easier than stressing over It.
Mistake number five
Not being specific, get way more specific than you are right now. I receive a lot of messages and there are a lot of people who message stuff like I want to manifest moving out of my home state, I want to manifest success.
You’ve got to go way more into in depth than that. It was Drake the rapper that said to manifest his dream home that he now lives in he used to drive by the house, point at It and say this is the house I’m going to live in when I am famous. That is specific, you don’t have to go to It in person but that’s where a vision board can really help. Put together a story, an entire dream board around what you want. If you want to move out of your parents house or your home state what city and state do you want to live in? What job do you want to have when you get there? What job do you have now that’s going to help you save up? How much money are you going to save every single month to help you save to living there? Are you going to have a roommate? Are you going to live in an apartment? What do you want the apartment to look like? When do you want to go by?
You get really specific and detailed on your goals. That helps you devise a solid plan of action that you can actually work towards.
Mistake number six
Not working towards It, nothing is just gonna show up at your door because you visualized it or you scripted It. You still have to put in the work towards It that everyone does and honestly I think It makes It all much more worthwhile. If we just snapped our fingers and have whatever we wanted , that sounds really great in theory but when you work your butt off and you finally get that you are working towards It is the best feeling. When we stepped into this New York city apartment after hustling and hustling for so many years and saving and saving and saving, It felt so amazing so I know the work seems tough but It is worth It. What is your detailed specific goal you are trying to manifest? go ahead and put It out there into the Universe and share It into the comments.
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