3 Simple Steps To Ignore Your Reality Using The Law Of Attraction

Kristin Rouse
4 min readNov 27, 2022


Every law of attraction teacher keeps on saying to ignore your reality but how to ignore your current reality with the law of attraction. In other words, how do you ignore the fact that things aren’t going the way that you want them to be going so that you can allow them to turn into what you want them to be.

So today I have three very helpful steps that you can implement starting today. let’s get into how to ignore your current reality with the law of attraction with three very simple steps.

Create a diversion

The first step is an easy diversion tactic and it’s simply to pay more attention to the things that are going well in your reality. There is a tendency when we are wanting to manifest things that are not manifesting to obsess about it and to turn it into a much bigger problem than it actually is, to the point where it really feels like our entire reality is dominated by one thing that isn’t going well.

So a very simple diversion trick is to wire yourself to think about the things that are going well in your reality. A very simple way to do this is upon waking every morning, before you even get out of bed, just sit there and think about as many things as you possibly can, that are going well for you. Again with the law of Attraction, what you focus on, expands.

So if you simply just give more attention to the things going well in your reality, you will find that things going well becomes a bigger and bigger part of your reality, and the thing that isn’t working out will appear to shrink and become less and less important and easier to ignore.

Redefine the problem area

The second step to ignoring your current reality with the law of attraction is to redefine the problem area. Redefine the thing that isn’t manifesting in a way that is positive to you. Alright so it’d be very natural if you have become obsessed about something that isn’t working out for your thoughts to naturally be drawn back to that thing. So maybe the relationship isn’t working out, maybe the job isn’t working out, maybe the money isn’t flowing and if that’s something that’s very dominant in your reality, it’s very normal that your thoughts are going to go back to that subject periodically.

But a really great thing that you can do is start to come up with a handful of reasons for why this thing going wrong is actually going right. That way if your mind focuses on it, you can easily neutralize whatever negativity is going on within it.

Let me give you an example, let’s say that you’ve really been working towards your fitness goals and you really want to be in just peak physical condition. However you’ve been noticing that your progress has stalled. Maybe the scale is staying exactly the same or maybe you’re just not reaching past a plateau. You’ve hit a certain level and it feels like you’re not moving forward. If you find your mind going back to that place of feeling like it’s not moving forward, I’m not losing the weight, I’m not getting in shape. Redefine what’s going on.

So if I were to step on the scale and notice that the scale is exactly the same number as it was yesterday, I could redefine it to mean something positive like well it’s a good thing that the scale is what it is today because that’s gonna encourage me to stay on track with my diet today, it’s a good thing that the scale is exactly where it is right now because it’s reminding me to focus a little bit more to try something a little bit different. Maybe this is the motivation that I’m gonna need today in the gym to try a new exercise or to do something a little bit differently now. You’ll find if you use this trick, when you look at negative feedback in your reality, it will shift how you feel about it and that’s really a paramount importance with the law of attraction.

If you can feel more neutrally about something going wrong, it’s a lot easier to put that thing down and just get right back into feeling better and moving about your day in a way that allows you to manifest positive results.

Interrupt the pattern

Now the third step on how to ignore your current reality with the law of attraction is a fun one and it’s called pattern interruption. See, what often happens is if we’re in the habit of experiencing the same kind of reality over and over and over again. The same kind of problem over and over and over again. That’s a really good indication that we’ve been doing things the same way. Because if we keep doing things the same way, through the law of attraction, we get the same results and so a simple thing that you can do to shake up your reality pretty quickly is to do a pattern interruption to totally change around some aspect of how you’re running your routine or some aspect of how you’re running your life.

So maybe every day you take the exact same route to work. You could totally pattern interrupt by changing your route altogether or maybe you go to the gym in the afternoon you could switch it up and put it in the morning, maybe you could start a new hobby, a new activity. Find a way to really shake up the structure of how you’re running your day to day and you’ll find it’s a lot easier to ignore what’s currently going on because once you shake everything up. There’s gonna be a lot more new things going on for you to pay attention to.



Kristin Rouse
Kristin Rouse

Written by Kristin Rouse

Changed myself for good using the law of attraction, now helping people find the magic that helped me.

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